Perform La Femme, is a collaboration featuring the self-portraiture of the duo Jana C. Perez and Angilee Wilkerson. In this series, both artists enact roles; performing in partnership to emphasize their lives as women and delving into the psychological states and cultural interpretation of female identity.

Rather than telling the typical story of eternal youth as frequently shown in media messaging and defined through the male gaze, Perform La Femme presents a more complex visual narrative comprised of the often-dismissed representation
of the mature woman’s physicality, knowledge, creativity, and life experience.

These photographic tableaus are expressed in a range of environments and atmospheric lighting where recurring color palettes serve as metaphor for emotional and physical states of being, and body gestures read as code and objects within each scene hold symbolic meaning. The artists take on a myriad of enigmatic characters, as narratives, simultaneously Delphic and revealing, emerge.

In finding commonalities and differences within personal experiences, the artists create a stage where female camaraderie empowers a shared voice. Similar in some ways to the child-like play of "dress up", each scene transports both artists to a state of imagination where both find the freedom to act out an evolving story. Becoming each other's muse and teacher– all under the gaze of the lens– Perform La Femme deconstructs cultural ideals and empowers experiential knowledge of female identity within a predominantly patriarchal society.

A most compelling and visually stunning examination of female camaraderie, I just kept thinking what fun to self-art direct these scenarios. Allegorical tales always good to examine and deconstruct!
— Laura Moya, Director Photolucida
These are delightful, poignant, humorous, insightful, and thought provoking.
— Hava Gurevich
I love this series. The images that made me stop in my tracks were the ones that seem slightly less planned in terms of pose and expression, but all of them are thought provoking and beautiful.
— Anonymous Reviewer, Critical Mass
A narrative without translation, I really appreciate the overall visual quality along with a drama that I can only speculate.
— Anonymous Reviewer, Critical Mass